9235 Trade Place, Suite A
San Diego, CA 92126
Ph: 858-537-0774 
Fax:  858-537-9653
Company Overview

Industrial Plant Work

High Voltage Electrical

Utility Infrastructure

Pier and Marine Projects


NEWest Construction is proud to provide the most versatile work force in the public works industry. The quality and experience of our personnel make it possible for us to complete projects in a professional, timely manner on schedule and on budget. We maintain a system of values to ensure our projects are completed within not only our expectations, but also well within the expectations of your public works agency.

Precise Plan:

The need to run at 100% production levels at all times is the top priority at most every industrial plant. Downtime for maintenance or upgrades means an interruption in service to your districts clients. The best way to avoid having any outside work halt your plant process is for NEWest Construction to provide a precise, highly-detailed plan of the project work in advance. Hands on application and execution of the project work schedule is maintained along with much attention to the communication of the process with the owner.

Qualified and Versatile Workforce:

The importance of having a job go smoothly rests, in great part, on the skill of the people in the trenches turning wrenches. Crew members employed at NEWest Construction must possess a basic aptitude for the job as well as a good work ethic. Our craftsmen in the field demonstrate above average performance levels and thrive in various environments. We maintain high standard in key areas such as management procedures, technical ability and quality control.  We feature a dedicated, long-term team of workers; not simply a local crew “off the street.” NEWest Construction can provide a list of the potential workers and their job history.


Safety can never be compromised. A serious accident can stop a project in its tracks and immediately place a job’s budget in peril. NEWest Construction’s commitment to safety begins at the top. Supervisors attend safety management training classes so they can set accurate safety guidelines. Once a project begins, conditions should be constantly monitored and safety inspections are conducted weekly by a NEWest Construction supervisor. Additionally, NEWest Construction will demonstrate site-specific training of its employees. Examples include training in fall protection, respiratory protection, and hazardous waste handling.
NEWest Construction Company | 9235 Trade Place, Suite A, San Diego, CA 92126 | Phone - 858.537.0774 | Fax - 858.537.9653